Pacorr Testing Instruments Pvt. Ltd. takes its users’ privacy seriously. Pacorr pledges that unless we have written consent from our users, we do not intend to sell, rent or use the personal information of our users. The only action will be taken on the information given to us through the Contact Us Form. Following are the purposes for which Pacorr will use your personal info that also upon getting your written consent:
To respond to any inquiries or requests made by you.
For market research related to the business of Pacorr to prepare the records, statistics and for better product enhancement.
Occasional introduction of promotional offers and deals
In case, Pacorr needs to use your personal info for purpose other than mentioned above, your written consent will be taken.
Please Note: The images used one the wesbite are only for illustration purposes and the original products may differ from the images depicted on the website. Pacorr always strives for perfection and excellence hence is dedicated to continuous development and innovation in our products. This may cause the technical specifications subjected to change without prior notice. Pacorr Testing Instruments Pvt. Ltd. reserves all the rights to final revision and interpretation.
Important Notice
Please be aware that any product images displaying our company name or logo may appear on third-party websites. Pacorr Testing Instruments is not responsible for the content or claims made on these external sites. For accurate and reliable information, please refer to our official website:
Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.

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