Twin Column Tensile Testing Machine (Servo) - Twin the strength for Tensile Testing

Testing the tensile strength of plastic is an age-old method now popularly used in polymer industries. The industry players have been implementing testing modules to gain more reliable results in the production batch. However, with time there are growing challenges in testing heavy materials in single-column testing machines. Pacorr brings experts in tensile testing to help you with this blog on how a Twin Column Tensile tester can resolve a stagnant issue and improve the production quality.

What is the major concern in the absence of a twin column tensile tester?

For a long time, the manufacturers of plastic parts and rubber industries have been using single-stranded machines for evaluating the stretching strength of the material. Usually a very efficient machine, the single column machine delivers only difficulty that it fails to take the weight of heavy sample products like tyre rubber and automotive components. When heavyweight is tested under these machines, they tend to either get incorrect results or may even break down leading to a complete breakdown. Hence, there must be a system for a particular range of weight of the testing sample.

Bringing a revolution with Twin Column Tensile Testing Machine (Servo)

The Twin-Column Tensile testing machine by pacorr comes with a servo mechanism for greater stability and manages a wide range of a heavy weight samples of plastic and rubber for testing its stretching strength in real-life end-use. The machine offers strong grips for holding the sample from both ends and stretching them in opposite directions. The machine is equipped with computer software with the latest updates that help you connect the machine to any computer system. This can help extract live testing data and further analysis of the data. The machine is also equipped with all the modern technologies that have been used latest in the field of tensile testing.

With emerging technologies in quality testing, the manufacturers of rubber and plastic industries are gaining more confidence by achieving fine quality material for production. And with twin-column, the product designers get the freedom to test heavy-weight products with ease. The machine is also renowned for its conformity to International testing standards. This gives you an assurance that the testing data is highly precise and accepted all over the world.

  • 16 Jul, 2022

What People Say

Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.



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