Have Doubts Regarding Edge Crush Tester?

Measuring the edge crush strength of the packaging products is the most common way to test the maximum compression strength of the packaging materials such as corrugated boxes, paper and paperboards, etc. Testing the edge crush strength is the major player in any corrugated quality analysis process.

Also known as the ECT, ring crush test and flat crush test, this is one of the best techniques to measure the overall strength and durability of the packaging materials that are made of paper boards or corrugated boxes. If you are looking to know more about the test process, we’ve put together a selection of the most common questions to help you get informed. Let’s dig in.

What is the formal definition of ECT/edge crush test?

Edge crush test is a process that helps to evaluate the cross-directional or crushing force that is required to crush a sample of corrugated boards till the point of its failure/rupture. The test method is used especially on the lightweight corrugated boxes, which can be recycled and usually weigh less and can withstand more pressure than the traditional packaging containers.

On what standard the edge crush tester works?

ECT works on a highly standardized test process that compresses a piece of paper or corrugated board between two rigid platforms. Pressure is then applied in a perpendicular direction of the board flutes until the same collapses. The amount of force at which the sample gets ruptured is recorded. This is known as the edge crush rating of a material.

How to calculate edge crush strength of a material?

Edge crush strength or rating is calculated by evaluating the force exerted on the board in pounds per the inch of edge that is deformed. To get a clear picture of the ECT test, you can always compare the result of the ECT test with any other testing method.

What is the best way to perform the edge crush strength of a material?

The Indian market is flooded with a wide range of testing instruments that can help you achieve consistent results in a fraction of minutes. The test machines that help you achieve consistent ECT results include box compression tester, edge crush tester, flat crush tester, and many more.. These matches are equipped with high-resolution load cells that offer accurate results.

What are the TAPPI standards on which the Edge Crush Tester works?

ECT uses standards such as TAPPI T 838, TAPPI T 839 and TAPPI T 898. These standard explains the test process that can determine the edgewise compressive strength of the paperboards, corrugated boards, short column single, double, or triple-wall fiberboard, etc. These tests are performed to predict the durability of containers as well as comparing the compressive strength of similar boards and also to compare the durability of different types of corrugated boxes

Are there any other standards that define the edge crush test?

Well, there are many international and national standard test methods that define the edge crush test apart from TAPPI standards such as IS 7063-2. By following this standard you can easily get the precise results of ECT, FCT and RCT.

For more information on edge crush testers, contact us.

  • 26 Dec, 2022

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