How Hard chrome Can Be Protected By Using Salt Spray Chamber Testing?

Hard chrome is the electroplating of chromium which strengthens the metal surface, corrosion resistant and excellent wear resistance. Though it is corrosion resistant but under certain salt laden environmental conditions they might be vulnerable to aggressive corrosion attack.

How does the Salt Spray Chamber help in hard chroming?

The salt spray chamber or salt fog or corrosion test helps in examining the corrosion resistivity of electroplating including hard chrome. This test helps to analyze its performance and durability under corrosion. The salt spray chamber testing contributes to the quality of evaluation of hard chrome in the following ways :

In Corrosion resistant evaluation the testing exposes hard chrome coatings to a highly corrosive environment, simulating the same conditions we get in coastal or marine atmospheres. To assess the corrosion resilience of the test specimen, it is subjected under the controlled and accelerated corrosion for a long duration.

Microscopic defects or weaknesses which are not visible by naked eyes can be easily detected by this testing. The detection required in the testing phase allows the implementation of additional protective measures in the chrome plating process.

Pacorr strongly believes in quality assurance achieved by its quality testing laboratory equipment. The salt spray chamber testing follows the standard procedures to meet the required industry standards and specifications.

The Performance prediction can be easily done from this test. The results obtained from this test can be used to estimate the long term performance of hard chrome coatings in real world corrosive environments. The data we observe will help in anticipating manufacturers and engineers in making required decision for the suitability of hard chrome for specific application.

Salt spray testing or corrosion testing proves a very efficient and effective tool for ongoing and research development to optimize the composition and application processes of hard chrome coatings. The manufacturers can use the consistent result for formulation, preparing surface techniques or post plating treatment to increase the quality, durability and reliability of hard chrome.

The above points we have discussed have immensely contributed to the quality production of hard chromium coating. However, the assessment of corrosion resistance through salt testing is crucial; as it represents only one facet of comprehensive quality control and assurance measures during the production and application of hard chrome coatings. The manufacturers frequently integrate salt spray testing with other methods to ensure a thorough evaluation of coating performance and effectiveness.

How well a hard chrome stands through this testing against the corrosion, this test helps in creating a shield against rust and damage. Imagine hard chrome as a superhero protecting metal parts from the villains of corrosion – the rust and damage that can weaken them. When we test the capacity of hard chrome stands up to these villains, it's like checking the superhero's armor. If the armor is strong, it means hard chrome can guard against corrosion for a more extended period.

Application of Hard chrome

Our salt spray or corrosion testing helps us to precise how much thickness of hard chrome is required in various situations, making it a reliable choice for many tasks where metal parts need a tough shield against the forces of rust and wear. Practically hard chrome is applicable in below mentioned following areas:

  • Hydraulic pistons and cylinders
  • Aerospace components
  • Faucets
  • Automotive components
  • Rotor and shafts
  • Forming surfaces, Dies ,screws ,molds and rolls
  • Textile components
  • Printing components
  • Piping

So we can observe how helpful our Pacorr salt spray chamber testing is in this hard chrome industry.

If you are concerned about the excellence of your product in reliability, strength, durability and quality, then call us +918882149230 and mail us for more information at info@pacorr.com

  • 04 Jan, 2024

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Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.



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